Monday, September 7, 2009

Putting in the work on Labor Day

To the entire working class there might not be any better phrase then "3-Day Weekend". Especially if you get to experience it over the Labor Day weekend, its a chance to be a kid again after a long summer stuck in an office. Like many people as last Friday came I lost sight of as many normal weekend chores, in favor of making the most of the weekend. A process that was quickly helped along with the kick off of high school football on Friday night, the excitement of my Alma Mater start it's season on Saturday, and the traditional backyard BBQ on Sunday.
So what's left to do on Monday, the extra day we all long so much for? Well the nagging thought at the back of our minds is time to go back to the grind. It's now the last chance to catch up on the laundry and dishes that haven't been washed all weekend. Not to mention if your not working the 9-5 today, you should get in a workout to take care of all the extra hot dogs, potato salad, and brewskies we've packed on in the last three days.
Personally, I'm a prideful American and greatly respect the concept that we recognize our working masses, and the spirt that built this country. Even with that being said, I'd have no problem taking a page from European companies and nations that believe in the 4-Day work week. It may be true that the term 3-Day weekend could loss some of its hype, but the tradeoff is so worth it. Monday's would still suck, but Thursday nights and Fridays would get that much more exciting. Less stress at work, more productivity over 4 day, and if we went whole hog and expanded our yearly vacations from 7-10 days to a month, things that we put off for these 3-day events would be easier to take care of throughout the year. I know that means redefining the term of an American vacation, we can't spend that entire month camping at a National Park. Then again with most of our families I don't think we want to be sequestered with them for that long anyways.
Seriously though, spend a week or two on the beach in the Caribbean, the rest of the time off save it for when you need it. See how much money you save by just staying home for a few days, cooking all your own meals and not eating out, taking care of your own house or yard and save on paying for someone to do it for you that month.
True, these are not some original thoughts, but more collective reinforced bitching and moaning. Still if you repeat something enough it might become a social truth.
OK back to work you slackers, I'm going to the gym.