Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fixing Football: Part II the kickoff rule

(NFL PR Guru) "Ladies and Gentleman thank you for attending today's press conference on NFL Kickoffs if you'll all find your seats, the panel will be taking questions soon. Once again this is a reminder that our panel today consisting of NFL return specialist Devin Hester, Darren Sproils, and 2nd year return man Javier Arenas from Kansas City. Also joining us today on the other side of the table, defensive specialist LaMarr Woodley, Clark Haggans. Note only one question to one player at at time lets begin in the front here with the ESPN Magazines NFL Insider John Eastcoster."
Eastcoster: "A question to Devin Hester, aren't you thrilled the new NFL kickoff rule will lower injuries for return men such as yourself?"
Hester: "Uh ya no one ever wants to get hurt playing this game, but then again no one wants to give up their bonus money either. Do we have solid evidence that that injuries are going to go down? Or is there solid evidence I won't make bonus money and my family will have to suffer lost career income? Next question."
(Guru): Next lets go to CBS Sports' Paul Talkinghead
Talkinghead: "Lets get the defensive prospective, question to Mr. Woodley. Isn't the new shorten kickoff going to save a lot of energy for your defensive unit and save you from getting hurt too?"
Woodley:"Last time I checked the National Football League produced a sport that was played by Men. This powder puff horse sh*# has to go."
(Guru): Woodley there will be a fine for that non-1910 language... Next uhh uhh Oh yes NFL on Fox ex coach Tom Turkeyneck
Turkeyneck: "Uh ya, wow ok this thing on, hello hello test.
Turkeyneck: Uh ya well uh, To Mr. Arenas from uh KC...ohh you guys have good BBQ, what a stadium tailgate too with the brats and burgers, and BBQ, and beers, and did I meantion BBQ...
(Guru) QUESTION TURKEYNECK or your network losses pre-game rights.
Turkeneck: "Well now you put that way... Arenas does it feel like you are a dying breed of NFL player right now?
Arenas: "Well truth be told Tom, all of us up here have a short Not For Long shelf life and this is just killing my position right now. May be I can take up the issue in front of Congress or President Obama, because Goodell has stopped listening"
(Guru) Watch yourself Arenas that college education, with lack of serious hits to the head thus far has still let you think a little to much on your own, another step out of line and its back to rookie grooming school for you.... So I see we have time for one last question... Uh HBO Real Wannabe Sports, or New York Times... hmmm HBO wins go ahead.
HBO: "Question to Arizona Cardinal Clark Haggans: This does mean less running in that Arizona heat, that has to make you happy, right?
Haggans: "I get paid to hit people, my stats suffer, yet your concerned if we are running too much. Thank God our new CBA has better retirement bennies I can't take much more of this. More dumb questions and I'll start hitting dumb reporters.
NFL PR Guru: Well this has just gone great thank you all for coming...uh whats that murmuring from the back of the room, oh you want to ask more questions...Uhhh ummm hmmm the NFL will release player cleared statements on our website tomorrow. Freedom of speech you say... uh yes they'll have the freedom to talk to NFL PR, thanks again for coming out.

THE NEW KICKOFF RULE IS SIMPLE. Simply not going to work. I have a solution that can keep the NFL from going down its narrow path to game censorship described above. Instead of shorting the kickoff make them longer, make teams kick off from their 15 and mandate kickoff defensives must run up from the Endzone. I seriously doubt full impact collisions are going to take place after one player just puts in a 80 + yard wind sprint and the opposing coverage has time to set a few protections up and juke defensive players from the first one or two big hits. Just think how much more exciting the game good be. Average drives start at the 40 and points per game go up. After all no one wants to watch a three hour game for a 10 to 3 out come. How about sitting through a game where an average 50-70 points are scored. Still want onside kicks sure free onside balls must be kicked from the 15 and reach the 30 yard line any where there on is free game, however the receiving team can not line up any closer then the 50. It could work or it least it would be a step in the right direction. NBA Commissioner David Sterns had to pull a 180 on the "new basketball" they tried a few years ago, now NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell needs to see this idea was just as worthless. If they can revamp the kickoff rule they can remove a snooze feast of a play, and inject more excitement for a better end product.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Let's Fix Football

In light of "The U" there are some college football fans, supporters, deans, athletic directors that are just coming out throwing their hands in the air and saying why don't we just pay this college athletes? Why not let boosters pay to recruit them, and then pay for their play. Give them the 30 Grand school signing bonus, then a million a year to play. Those comments are so asinine and egregious that sports bars and ticket takers every where should be issued your photo so that those who think they should get paid that amount can't attend another game and spread such unfounded ideals amongst true sports fans. However I think there finally might be room for compromise, not a pay for play, but another form of a student loan. One that the athlete will have to be responsible for whether or not they go pro or major in something else.

First, these are Student-Athletes, the student part always should come first. Don't make the grade don't play, don't follow the rules don't play, and guess what all students are broke. These 18,19,20 year-old kids are getting their room and board paid for, extra free meals in the athletic department dinning halls, FREE tutors, plus a $40,000 education laid in their laps. Let me tell you that is a damn lot more than I had going to school, I ate noodles and dollar menu's 6 or 7 days a week to survive and pay rent.

However, now you want to see them get paid well for their contribution to the university. That is that I'm not blind and realize that certain blue chip athletes can pull in a ton of cash from jersey sells, tickets purchased, etc. Either way they already did get paid to the tune of $40-60 K a year if you add up the paragraph above. Plus what's to say if we are just opening the flood gates and giving up on the real problems at hand that it would solve anything? In fact it would make it worse. So your QB, RB, WR, and Defensive captain get more than other players on the team. In what world does that make sense to you? Once again these are very young men, who if given 5 to 10 grand extra year are not going to spend it on Subway, a date night to the movies, or cell phone bills to cover calls home to mama. They are going to blow that cash on booze, weed, pimpin rides, tattoos, and who knows what else. Don't believe me? What would you have done if someone gave you an extra $10 grand the first week you were away from your family structure and off on your own at college? Like any 20 year old that money wasn't going to the bank it was going to the bar.

So devils advocats think that just because some boosters do it now, they should just open it up and let boosters have the money let them? C'mon how does that level the playing field when there are the T. Boone Pickens, and the Phil Knights of the world can give amazing recruiting and signing bonuses . So now we know how the Big XII, Pac 10, Big 10 would draw to get their talent, yet the Independent schools, Mountain West Leagues, and Conference USA schools of the world get left to suffer.

ESPN did come back later in the day with a round table panel to discuss this, the likes of the College Football Analysts and former coaches Urban Meyer, Nick Saben, and other professionals. This Cost of Attendence notion they brought up should be looked it as a loan from either the University or Federal Aid, that must be paid back upon exit of the university. Make it one flat rate of an easy $1,000 per semester per athlete, and only if the school deems it necessary does it get offered. Correct human behaviors, show these kids there is a price for attending instutions of higher learning. If they break the rules, get benched, or kicked out of school guess what the bills still keep coming just like in the real world. It makes me sick that we are putting the NFL supplemental draft on hold for Terrelle Pryor if he didn't meet the requirements especially due to rules violations then he must pay the consequences. The NFL should not be any sort of escape or safe haven for players who broke rules and laws in college. Sit out, unemployed for an entire NFL year, realize what a gift you have and how foolish it can be wasted on the things that don't matter. They might get a small taste of what it is like for the millions of Americans that know what it is like to be out of work. A lot of those are the same Americans that will pay for tickets when there are a few extra bucks in the bank. These athletes should even be thankful they are not locked up for that year or more like a Mike Vick or Plaxico Burress, who I'm sure would tell you having your lively hood taken and shelf life decreased hurts. Just giving a free pass to these kids to take what ever money they get from where ever they get it and not have someone to answer to at the end of the day is just ludicrous, not lucrative.

Well I've been up for 20 straight hours, next time how to fix the NFL kick off, HERE WE GO!