Friday, February 20, 2009

First thoughts are not always best.

Alright so I need an outlet and this is going to be it! This blog will not be just a daily journal of how bad my rush hour commute was, or what I ate for lunch. No this will be my insight on events around me, and if it happens to get personal then so be it. Maybe we'll get lucky and with a little practice I'll have the voice of Rick Reilly, or the humor of Calvin and Hobbs. So now that's settled, why should I do this? Shouldn't a recent journalism grad from one of the nations top programs be at some small newspaper making a name for himself in the field. Well in the perfect world maybe, and in that world student loans could be consolidated and affordable to payback.

(Ah you see there is a stroke of genius, instead of banking and lending institutions going crazy like a Chimp in Connecticut they could find the finances to consolidate all of a persons student loans, not just try to drive college students further below the poverty line. I guarantee there is a need for this service, and if I had the means to do this for others like me I would, however my lenders have already taken my lifesaving's and misspent them... Speaking of good ideas, this isn't my only one, you should hear my mass transit idea that uses Bullet Trains on natural energy, but your going to have to pay for the rights to that.)

Now that we are all off and running I hope the next post can be getter then the first. I might even show off my favorite photos, as my photojournalism skills can only do so much with the technology involved and continuously dry desert.
Thanks for reading
-J.J. Gilmore.

©, Josh Gilmore, 2009

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