Saturday, March 21, 2009

Poor Man's Internet... at what cost

Alright being poor sucks, no question there. Plenty of P B & J's and Mac N Cheese nights try to fill stomachs. However reaching out connecting to the world around us is costing more than ever. The cable company I was using was charging $90 a month for a cable/ internet connection. I know thats not bad at 3 dollars a day, but I know others with special features could pay up to $200 a month. Well my bank account finally got to the point that i needed to cancel my net, in fact the last two post on here were made possible thanks to a generous neighbor that let me tap into their wi-fi. Sure enough they are also hurting and cut their internet.

So what's a guy to do? Well the kinko's thing gets costly, and getting to the library takes too much time. So I'm using the "free" wifi at my apartment main office. Yeah right free these people already charge us $950 a month. Then just on top of that if you forget to get your plates renewed on time, they can tow your car (and already have done it to some people). I swear some people just don't get it. In these times they should be willing to work with people not punish them with harsh fines. Honestly my bank account has $200 in it right now, and that is just enough that I can eat, buy gas, and get ready to move the hell out of here. My tags can get changed later. Yet that's right the other side of the housing market is that we can, and as of next month will be renting a house, with out their bullshit take justice into apartment property management rules.

In closing today the lesson learned is, that if these business think they can nit pick, to nickel and dime us then they will find them selfs soon out of business. Which is sad because that is very easily avoided mistake, and as they start to lay people off as a result it all goes back to the economic theory that just one lay off can hurt a local economic environment.

Peace Out
J.J. Gilmore

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cheap Strategic Marketing ADD Cheap business ADD bad economy = CHEAP ADs

A sure fire sign that the dollar, yen, euro just isn't going as far as it use to... well look no further then the advertisement around you. Take a second look at some of the commercials and print ads that get thrust into your world. So much for using the hottest thing to come out of Hollywood to pitch the product, naw Every Day Joe Blow gets the job done. Especially when he/she can finally put that communication degree to good use as it cost them 4 years and half a million in debt. But the good news I hear the residual checks should help that spokes person pay off the student loans by age 75.

Or advertisers are losing the warm bodies and going with voice overs for commercials that lack as much in graphics as they do in creativity. Example numero uno The GAP and their Mannequins, or numero dos "Nanner Pus" some breakfast restaurant chain (see I can't even recall the name the commercial was that bad I didn't pay attention) either way mannequins with teeny bopper voices, or wires on a have eaten banana don't get the job done. They are not work my brain cells, my sells dollar, nor is it worth the airtime, or the investment two companies and business professionals have put into it.

In the mean time, people on the creative side of this industry are being laid off, while execs take the credit for closing the deal, Hmm I always thought that TIVO would be the end of bad commercials. Yet now I think the bad economy can be blamed for this one too.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Should We Stay or Should We Go

Should We Stay or Should We Go? That seems to be the question facing a lot of those I know through my eight degrees of separation. For example you know through previous post that I'm trying to figure out where I really belong, here, Air Force, trying to make sure I don't miss out on the right girl. My sister who I currently share an apartment with is trying to figure out where we live as our lease is up and the housing market is rougher than Hurricane swollen seas.

With in my love of sports, we've already seen Kurt Warner go through the back and forth with the AZ Cardinals. In all that a lot of questions had to be answered, how many premier years does he have left? how much will the contract be worth without offending him while paying a proven post season player? how does it effect the rest of the team?
Well the answer came when in typical male relationship science it came down to the team not wanting to admit it would come to terms one way or another, and Kurt was paid 24 million over the next two years. That still wouldn't have happened if Kurt didn't let his current team no he has no trouble flirting with other teams and contract offers. Especially when the first one to come calling is a NFC West division rival. So he'll make his money (half of which he'll end up giving to charity b/c he is that kind of guy) and still be a top 5 QB for the next couple of years, even being one of the best locker room guys ever and agreeing to give a few million back if that means the team keeps Q Boldin. So now the real work begins and trying to keep Q as a Cardinal needs to get done soon, and before the NFL draft the better.

However things just aren't looking up for the desert dogs. While they are beloved and trying to establish themselves, and finding the right chemistry in the locker room that leads to production on the ice. I was shocked how many proven players they moved this year at the trade deadline. Olli Jokinen and Dan Carcillo were growing a lot with this team, both contributed in many ways no more evident then the Shoot Out win over Atlanta this season. Yet you never know what happens in the NHL off-season and if they might be back. However the basic idea is right don't rely on young guns so much, get some sensational sophomores and mid aged talent that has 2-4 solid years under them and know how to play. Next year they will be back in the desert Shane Doan will have talent around him to take care of business at home and on the road. If they can put together a few more win streaks, and avoid the back breaking 10 game losing streak to start the second half of the season.

Finally I wish my next move was as easy as these players, I can't imagine getting paid to play and have that type of bank to fall back on in these economic times. I'm not a fool to think that they get every cent of a Million dollar deal, there is agents to pay, taxes to pay, and a lot is based on performance. Still that would be better than winning the lotto, imagine getting up and going to work everyday loving the sport you play and realizing how blessed you really are. Things are just a little more clear now that I'm 26, I'm a little older and wiser after a college degree, but if i could have just committed to one or two sports when I was a teenager, and not worry about wanting a car, or cool clothes, or parties, or going to the movies. It might be worth knowing my only way back to a normal life is by paying off my debt. The best way to do that and have honor in what I do is joining the US Air Force, and hopefully they will take me into their officer program.

OK its late, I'm not on deadline so your not getting a great finish to this rant. I'm going to bed, so I can catch the NHL game of the week on NBC at 9:30 am ( damn daylight saving times here in AZ ) Oh well nothing like hockey over breakfast.

Thanks for reading, Peace Out

J.J. Gilmore