Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cheap Strategic Marketing ADD Cheap business ADD bad economy = CHEAP ADs

A sure fire sign that the dollar, yen, euro just isn't going as far as it use to... well look no further then the advertisement around you. Take a second look at some of the commercials and print ads that get thrust into your world. So much for using the hottest thing to come out of Hollywood to pitch the product, naw Every Day Joe Blow gets the job done. Especially when he/she can finally put that communication degree to good use as it cost them 4 years and half a million in debt. But the good news I hear the residual checks should help that spokes person pay off the student loans by age 75.

Or advertisers are losing the warm bodies and going with voice overs for commercials that lack as much in graphics as they do in creativity. Example numero uno The GAP and their Mannequins, or numero dos "Nanner Pus" some breakfast restaurant chain (see I can't even recall the name the commercial was that bad I didn't pay attention) either way mannequins with teeny bopper voices, or wires on a have eaten banana don't get the job done. They are not work my brain cells, my sells dollar, nor is it worth the airtime, or the investment two companies and business professionals have put into it.

In the mean time, people on the creative side of this industry are being laid off, while execs take the credit for closing the deal, Hmm I always thought that TIVO would be the end of bad commercials. Yet now I think the bad economy can be blamed for this one too.

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